Clinicals this week
What a week. It was my last week of clinicals this semester and it was something else. Apparently, RT's must go to all C-sections because the babies have a tendency to come out not breathing. You guessed it. Yours truly got to go to a C-section. My first time ever at a childbirth. It was amazing and it was messy. The baby came out screaming though which is a sure sign of breathing and also of the RT's not needed.
We also did our EKG labs today. That was kind of interesting. people seem to forget that that is the responsibility of RT's even though nurses and nursing assistants perform that duty at most hospitals. Of course I was the guinea pig for the the whole class. I was the one that the teacher demonstrated on. Not a bad day. Now I'm preparing for my EKG test friday. Then final checkoffs and final checkoffs and exams. Then my week and a half break before summer starts.
Whats going on here
It's been a busy week or two for me and thats why I haven't been here. I hope you enjoyed the Airway management videos. Anyway, I made my very first 100 on a test in the program last week. It was the test on intubation, oropharyngeal airways, and tracheostomy tubes. Pretty important stuff if you ask me. Needless to say I was stoked. This week, I have 2 tests and a quiz (yuck) including a Math test in Anatomy today. Thats right, Math. Apparently Oxygen Transport is completely known by doing Math and memorixing formulas.
Yesterday I had my first day at a Hospital I was unfamiliar with. It was also the smallest Hospital I've been to yet. The teacher wasn't there and we were paired up 1 to 1 with a RT for the first time. I got to see how it really works with breathing treatments in the real world. No staying with the patient for the entire treatment. It was kind of cool to run several treatments at once. My best friend started his rT career at this hospital and I can honestly picture myself doing the same. The only bad thing is it's almost an hours drive away. The director practically invited me there to work as a student when I start year 2. We'll see.
Also, the RT student blogger who inspired me to do this mentioned me in his blog post "Respiratory Therapy Bloggers". I did borrow off of his domain name for this one. I never meant it as a source of confusion. Much like me (and probably any other RT student) he doesn't have a lot of time to post. When he does though, his posts are very informative. Hopefully mine will be too.